ConstructSim Work Package Server Setup Guide

To Configure Task Processing

In the Data Processing database, alter tables [SystemComponentPartExtendedVPM] and [SystemComponentPartVPM] by adding new columns: [ST_EXT_WEIGHT_RANGE] and [ST_EXT_TYPE].

Using code

alter table [databasename] . [dbo] . [SystemComponentPartExtendedVPM]

add ST_EXT_WEIGHT_RANGE varchar (255), ST_EXT_TYPE varchar (255);

alter table [databasename] . [dbo] . [SystemComponentPartVPM]

add ST_EXT_WEIGHT_RANGE varchar (255), ST_EXT_TYPE varchar (255);

  1. Run the C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\ConstructSim V8i\ConstructSim\CSimDPConfiguration.exe file. The VCM Data Processing Configuration dialog opens.
  2. Enter the Server Name and Database Name.
  3. Click the Work Details Settings button. The Import Work Details dialog opens.
  4. Set the Adapter Type to SPURT Adapter.
  5. Click Configure.
  6. For SPURT MDB Filepath, browse and select the project …\ProjectData\UnitRates\SPURT_<ProjectName>.mdb.
  7. Set the Adapter Type to Steel Unit Rate Adapter.
  8. Click Configure.
  9. For Steel Unit Rate Database Filepath, browse and select the project …\ProjectData\UnitRates\ SSURT_<ProjectName>.mdb.
  10. Click OK.